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Ogbeiwi Agbonlahor Wins Mandela Leadership Award, Becomes ECOWAS Youth Ambassador

Ogbeiwi Julius Agbonlahor, a renowned entrepreneur in the oil and gas sector and farming, has been awarded the prestigious Nelson Mandela Leadership Award of Excellence and Integrity. This honor is coupled with his recent appointment as an ECOWAS Youth Ambassador, a role underscoring his significant influence in youth leadership across West Africa.

The award, presented by H.E. Amb. Emmanuel S. William of the ECOWAS Youth Council (EYC), celebrates Ogbeiwi Julius Agbonlahor’s exemplary leadership and dedication to the values epitomized by Nelson Mandela, particularly in youth empowerment and regional development.

In response to this honor, Ogbeiwi Julius Agbonlahor expressed his heartfelt gratitude and reaffirmed his commitment to advancing the welfare and development of young people in West Africa. He stated, “This recognition is both an honor and a compelling call to intensify our efforts for the empowerment of West African youth.”

With this prestigious award and his new ambassadorial role, Ogbeiwi Julius Agbonlahor will now be addressed as Ambassador Ogbeiwi Julius Agbonlahor. This new title reflects not only his achievements but also his responsibilities and aspirations in shaping a brighter future for the youth.

The Nelson Mandela Leadership Award of Excellence and Integrity is accorded to individuals who demonstrate outstanding leadership and uphold principles of integrity and excellence. Ambassador Ogbeiwi Julius Agbonlahor’s receipt of this award underscores his impactful work and his esteemed position in both regional and international arenas.

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